James - the comeback

Tim Booth : "I don't really know. If you had asked me in the summer would James get back together I would have said absolutely not, not a chance. It was a load of synchronistic events that took place over about a month. I was in Manchester where I bumped into former James guitarist Larry Gott (who left James in 1993) and founding bassist Jimmy Glennie. I found myself in a room with instruments and microphones and we just started jamming. It was really fantastic, so we said 'Alright, let's see how this goes.' We didn't tell anyone, we didn't even tell our manager. But it went so well musically that we felt we had to see how far it could go."
Since James spilt up a few years ago Tim Booth have released Bone - a brilliant solo album and been casted as evil pervert 'Zsasz' in the film Batman Begins, and as all-time super sinner Judas, in some mad Manchester theatre event. No news on Booth and the Bad Angel.
Glasgow Academy (21)
Newcastle Academy (23)
Birmingham Academy (24)
London Brixton Academy (27)
Manchester MEN Arena (28)
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